
How to Deal with the Inner Critic Inside

Did you know you have a five-year-old child inside your belly? Mental health professionals call it the inner child. Its job is self-preservation. When a life storm comes along like the pandemic, the little one takes the driver’s seat. When you feel scared, your heart beating fast, mind swimming, what will I do next, who will rescue me? The little one inside sends you in directions to protect you. Sometimes the direction might eat and drinking foods for comfort. Using credit cards, and spending money you do not have.

When a crisis hits help the little one to feel safe. Take care of yourself by creating priorities. Eat healthy foods for each meal. Sleep at least six hours a night, naps when needed. Exercise walking helps the inner child to quiet. Meditation, prayer and giving thanks for what you have.

The inner child likes to communicate through writing. I recommend my “Do You Have a Dream Workbook 5 Keys to Realize Your Dream”. The self-directed Workbook has ten chapters with a 5 step-process to direct you in a positive direction. When used for at least thirty days you will feel greater confidence, courage, and creativity.


Grace Allison Blair is an award-winning self-help and motivational author, and podcast host, who has assisted thousands to find their spiritual wisdom to solve everyday challenges.
Grace Allison
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