
Introducing “Einstein’s Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure”


Embark on a thrilling journey through time and imagination with “Einstein’s Compass.” This captivating historical fantasy science fiction novel weaves together the extraordinary life of Albert Einstein with fantastical elements and scientific concepts that will leave you spellbound.

Delve into the mind of a scientific genius as you explore the origins of Einstein’s groundbreaking ideas. Imagine him reborn into our modern world, having lived a spiritual leader’s life in the ancient realm of Atlantis, where science and divinity coexisted harmoniously.

Join Albert, accompanied by his loyal friend Johann, and the enigmatic classmate Werner Von Weisel, as they uncover the secrets of a jeweled compass bestowed upon Albert by his father. Little do they know this compass holds incredible magical powers, known only to Albert and Johann.

However, lurking in the shadows are Raka, Albert’s jealous twin brother from millennia ago, and the cunning Countess Victoria von Baden. Raka’s malevolent intentions lead him to discover the compass’s true nature—a powerful stone known as the Shamir stone. With the help of Werner and the Countess, Raka seeks revenge and aims to claim the compass for himself.

Prepare to encounter “Mystical Travelers”—legendary figures from both biblical and scientific realms, including Moses, Jesus, and Newton. Guided by these extraordinary beings, Albert embarks on a transformative journey, unearthing his forgotten knowledge destined to shape the world.

“Einstein’s Compass” tackles profound themes such as coming of age, the harsh realities of antisemitism, and the impact of bullying. Through a masterful blend of history, fantasy, and science, Grace Blair delivers an enthralling tale that will captivate readers of all ages.

Experience the magic, unravel the mysteries, and witness the brilliance of a young Einstein in “Einstein’s Compass” – an epic YA Time Traveler Adventure. Get your copy now and join the adventure that transcends time itself!

Review of Einstein’s Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure – 4 out of 4 Stars

Review of Einstein’s Compass
Post by Jessie Gus » 22 Mar 2022, 19:20

[Following is a volunteer review of “Einstein’s Compass” by Grace Blair.]
Book Cover
4 out of 4 stars
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Join a young Albert Einstein on his fantastical journey. It all begins when young Albert’s father gives him a compass. Little did his Father know the jewel encrusted compass would take Albert far away in place and time. With guidance from Johann, Albert’s best friend, they discover the secrets of the remarkable compass, not only the help it can be, but also the hidden peril it carries. Albert is experiencing what he believes are vivid dreams where he speaks with brilliant thinkers of the past but, are they just dreams? Is he truly seeing and speaking with them? Accompany him into the realms of myth, legend, and prophets. What do the Shamir Stone, the Firestone, a dragon, Moses, alien DNA and Akhenaten have to do with Albert? Will he ever rid himself of Raka, the evil force pursuing him? How is he connected to this Raka and why does he hunt him? All of this, and much more, awaits you in this mesmerizing tale of fiction.

Together, Grace Blair and Laren Bright have produced an outstanding work that binds many diverse elements into a cohesive tale. They have made an easy flowing piece with a unique way of looking at the world. Their use of guides and/or prophets adds a new dimension. I like the small details, like Albert putting on his lederhosen and the way his music makes him feel. The dragon is a creative touch that should not work, but the authors skillfully make it suit the story. I also enjoyed the evolving trail of his theories. The picture of young Einstein that they paint is faithful to the non-fiction books that I have read about his habit and quirks.

The only two drawbacks to this work; were few font size problems that might be due to transferring the work to Kindle, and I would have liked to know more about how the compass was made.

I give the book 4 out of 4 stars. Einstein’s Compass A Ya Time Traveler Adventure certainly earns it. The use of historically accurate culture and the start of the Nazi political machine are spot on. The addition of charters is almost seamless, never leaving one to wonder where that person came from.

I would recommend this book not only for young adult readers and for people who enjoy a fictional tale with a little fantasy thrown in. This is a splendid book for those that are young of heart.

Albert Einstein Visits Atlantis 10,000 B.C.

Have you wondered what it was like to live on the lost continent of Atlantis? My research of Atlantis came from the prophet Edgar Cayce. Atlantis was one of three islands in Posedian. Atlantis had the Atlantean technology of light workers, DNA experiments, reincarnation, time travel and hover crafts. Our planet’s energy source was a Larimar Firestone Crystal the size of twenty foot square room. The Atlantean held secrets of how light and energy transport vehicles and transmit air signals for communication. On Aryan Island were the fallen angels of Atlantis who wanted to control the world with power and force. They formed a military style government with bloody animals sacrifices to scare their population into compliance. The dark angels sought the energy Crystal for control of the world. Read Einstein’s Compass and discover the struggle of darkness vs the light.

Chapter 28
Atlantis 10,000 BC

Arka was preparing for his morning meditation when he noticed a messenger striding toward him from across the garden. Dressed in black linen trousers and shirt with the Black Sun symbol on each collar, the female soldier from Aryan came to a stop in front of the priest-scientist and stood at rigid attention.

“Sorry to interrupt, sir. General Tora-Fuliar ordered me to deliver this to you immediately.” She extended a paper bearing the seal of the Aryan High Command. Arka thanked the soldier and dismissed her. His eyes widened, as he read the message from his twin brother, Raka, who had been missing for some weeks.

My Dear Brother,

I expect you may wonder what has become of me since my recent disappearance from Atlantis. I assure you; I am fine… no, better than fine. In fact, I am prospering on Aryan in my new position as Supreme High Commander of all Aryan forces.

You might wonder how I could accomplish such a feat considering your low (and inaccurate) opinion of me. Let’s just say that I had a little help from the Draconian DNA. (I presume you know that I had taken it.) With my innate intellect and savvy, I could “convince” the Aryan leadership that I was the man (loosely speaking) for the job. I am so much more than a man now.

Please accept this letter as notice that, under my leadership, the Aryans will assume control of the temples and power crystals of Atlantis. I look forward to our next meeting, where you may kneel at my feet out of respect for my accomplishments and in awe of my power.

Your loving brother,


Arka’s face went pale. His brother had fallen from God’s grace into the darkness of greed and power. Not only is Atlantis in danger, but the entire planet is also doomed if Raka gets ahold of the Firestone Crystal. As he folded the letter and put it in his tunic pocket, Arka tried to hold back his feeling of fear. Before he could consider next steps, he needed to center himself and align with his higher self. Despite his brother’s revelations, he was eager to prepare for the day. He recently had been made aware through meditation that he would be receiving an exceptional guest today.

* * *

As Albert and Johann clasped hands, Ezekiel uncloaked the Atlas, exposing its Light from the Holy of Holies. He touched the screen of the Crystal Lux Portal. The holographic gateway opened, and the illumination beam pulled their etheric bodies into the vessel.

The silver-haired pilot, focused on manipulating the craft’s holographic controls, motioned for his passengers to sit behind him. Albert was trying to look everywhere at once. Then he heard Johann cleared his throat. “Uh, Albert.”

“Yes. What?”

With a wry look, Johann pointed to their still-clasped hands.

“Oh, right,” Albert laughed, letting go. “But… look at this… whatever it is,” he said, gesturing to the glowing interior of the craft.

“This is an energetic vessel called an Ark, Albert.” Ezekiel completed his course setting for the ship as he spoke. “It is something of a metaphor, actually, and allows us to travel through the constructs of time and space.”

The pickup accomplished, Ezekiel gestured over the control panel, and the golden ship disappeared into another dimension of time.

“But… How?… What?…” Albert tried to formulate a complete question.

Ezekiel held up a hand. “Easy, my friend. Let me try to make sense of things for you.”

“Yes, that might help.” Albert tried to relax

Johann leaned forward to listen. While he had a fair amount of experience being on the inner realms of Light, this travel through time was new to him.

“Okay, let’s see,” Ezekiel said with a serene smile. “First off, my name is Ezekiel. Like Moses, Jesus, Akhenaten, and others, I am what’s called a traveler, or Mystical Traveler. We have a specific role to play in the spiritual evolution of mankind.”

Albert’s eyes widened. “Wait, Ezekiel, as in ‘Ezekiel Saw the Wheel’ Ezekiel?”

Ezekiel’s laugh was friendly. “Yes, that would be me.”

Having now worked with several spiritual masters, Johann was not surprised. Albert was still working on it. “Uh, o-o-o-kay…” he said, trying to process it all.

“You, Herr Einstein,” Ezekiel continued, “also have a part to play in the unfolding evolvement of humanity. That’s why you are here.”

“I think you’ve made a mistake,” Albert interjected. “I’m just a student.”

“Yes, that’s what you’re doing now…well, at least at this moment in your present time and space. But you have a destiny, Albert, and they assign us travelers to assist you in realizing it.”

“Destiny? I’m not so sure I believe in that.”

“Reasonable enough,” Ezekiel responded, “but let me ask you a question. What is consuming you? I know it’s not studying outdated science.”

Albert rolled his eyes. “Of course not. I am working on proving certain theories of light, time…” Albert was suddenly struck by where he was and that he was moving in a dimension other than his own. “…and space,” he concluded haltingly.

Ezekiel smiled as he watched Albert’s realization unfold. “So, do you know why you have such a burning interest in these things?”

Albert could only shake his head, his mind still struggling to grasp the immensity of what he was experiencing.

“Well,” Ezekiel said, “like destiny, this may challenge your scientific beliefs and your typical demands for tangible proof in the material world.”

“Go on,” Albert said.

Ezekiel chuckled again. “Well, suppose—just suppose—that you are getting glimpses into a past life you had.”

Albert started shaking his head, but Ezekiel continued. “And in that life, you were a scientist working with light, time, and space. Suppose you have been having memories about what you learned in that lifetime.”

“I will need some time to think about that,” Albert declared, rubbing his temple to try to alleviate a headache beginning to pound in his head.

Ezekiel felt only compassion for his new student. “Take all the time you need. I know this challenges your analytical mind. But I think you’re getting a sense that there’s a lot more going on than what the mind can readily grasp. Why don’t you relax for a bit and digest everything?”

It relieved Albert to retreat into his thoughts and consider everything he had heard. After about twenty minutes, the pilot beckoned Albert and Johann over to watch as millennia of time passed on the Crystal Lux Portal.

It struck Albert with a thought as he watched. “If things are as you say, then shouldn’t we be able to move through time instantaneously?”

Ezekiel nodded approvingly. “Excellent, Herr scientist. But remember, this craft is only a metaphor. It would be too distressing to the conscious mind to have things appear simultaneously, so we operate with the constructs that the conscious mind accepts.”

It satisfied Albert for the moment, and Ezekiel announced that they had arrived at their intended destination; Atlantis 10,400 BCE, by his reckoning. Albert watched as the traveler manipulated the holographic controls of their craft and it came to rest in a luxurious botanical garden with flowering trees, a lily pond, and water fountains. As the craft’s port opened, the smell of jasmine greeted Albert’s senses.

Ezekiel remained in the craft as Johann and Albert exited and looked around. For Johann, Atlantis was not all that different from the inner realm school environments where he had been studying. But the scene awed Albert in front of him. In one location, tall Atlanteans walked a labyrinth in devotional reflection. In other areas, people walked and talked as they made their unhurried way to the temples of learning and healing that dotted the landscape. An aura of peace and tranquility pervaded.

They drew their attention to a blond fellow in a short emerald tunic who was sitting in a meditative posture in a grotto near where they were standing. As they watched, the man’s etheric body extended from his physical space and approached them. He waved, saying, “Welcome to Atlantis. My name is Arka.”

Albert scratched his perpetually unruly brown hair and looked up in awe of the Atlantean.

Remembering his assignment, Johann pulled himself together. “Thank you for coming to receive us. My name is Johann, and I am studying with the travelers.” Urging his friend forward, he said, “May I introduce Albert Einstein?”

Arka extended his hand and looked Albert in the eye. When their palms and gaze met, Albert felt a gentle jolt. “Nice to meet you, Arka…. But I feel like I already know you.”

Arka smiled and inclined his head as he guided the boys to a nearby bench. “I understand, Albert. And I need you to listen to what I have to say with an open mind, as best you can.”

Albert shook his head ruefully. “I’m getting that a lot today.” He took in a breath and said, “Just go ahead, and I’ll see how I do.”

Arka launched into his explanation. “Do you accept reincarnation—well, re-embodiment, actually?”

Albert shrugged. “I have heard the concept. I can’t say I believe it.”

“Fair enough. Now then, many people who think of such things believe we are a body that has a soul. But the fact is, we are souls having a human experience. Our souls extend into human bodies throughout time to gain knowledge. Can you, for the time being, accept that?”

Albert looked at Arka and considered the question. “Until today I would have said no. But I feel like the entire foundation of what I believe is being shaken, so, for the moment, let’s say that I will entertain this idea.”

Albert could only nod and retreat into his thoughts to consider what he had heard.

“Okay, good.” Arka rewarded Albert with a smile. “So, here’s the situation: our souls are gaining experience through us while we are alive, and it is gaining experience through you when you are alive.”

Albert blinked as he silently absorbed what Arka had said. “So, you’re saying…”

“Yes, we share this soul. And it is bridging ideas from your past to your awareness in your time.”

Despite Albert’s dazed look, Arka continued. “Before a soul reembodies, a spiritual plan is agreed upon. It includes many things, like which experiences the soul will need to progress, and which parents will be able to provide those experiences.”

Johann, who had been studying these things, knew his friend was having a hard time coming to grips with all this information. He had confidence, though, that Albert would come to see the truth of it all.

“I believe we have brought here you, Albert, to quicken your awareness of the principles of light, space, and time,” Arka finished.

“So,” Albert said, “this is like a class for me, so I can bring the information to my time and then expand on it?”

“Well, yes… and no,” Arka said. “We are discussing all of this in our etheric bodies. I am doing it consciously, but, as I understand it, you are not doing it intentionally. So, what you will learn here will go into your unconscious and subconscious mind, where it will present itself to you from time to time. You will experience it as inspiration or intuition.”

Arka was struck with an idea. “I know all of this is challenging for you, Albert. How about I demonstrate some work we are doing here on Atlantis. Would you like that?”

Albert nodded. “Something tangible would help.”

Arka reached out. “May I see your arm, Albert?”

Albert slowly extended his damaged arm toward the priest-scientist. “It’s pretty badly burned, so please be careful.”

Arka tenderly unwrapped the gauze bandage. “While I work with your etheric body, Albert, the results will filter down to your physical body in your own time.” Arka could now see the large, crusted scab forming on Albert’s scorched arm. It was clear there would be quite a scar. Arka closed his eyes and quietly prayed, “I call forward the Light of God and the Masters of Light and healing.” The priest-scientist was fully relaxed as his love poured forth from within his sacred heart and he held his palm over Albert’s damaged arm. “I ask if it is for the highest good for Albert, that his arm be healed.” Almost immediately, the angry red skin under the scab took on a healthier pink glow. Arka gently touched the crust and saw that it was no longer attached to Albert’s arm. He carefully lifted it to reveal utterly normal skin underneath.

Bewildered, Albert looked up at Arka. “Oh, how did you do that?”

“Love is the healer. I made a request.”

Albert looked at Johann. “Unbelievable!”

“Believe it, Albert.” Johann smiled. “You are enough of a scientist to observe evidence, even when it goes against your beliefs.”

Buy Einstein’s Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure

Einstein’s Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure
Wins Finalist
2020 Rone Book Cover Award

Award-winning Middle Grade/YA Author Grace Blair Asks, “What if Einstein Had a Magic Compass?”

Grace will be signing her new title Einstein’s Compass at BookCon in New York City

May 28, 2019—Meet multi-award-winning author Grace Blair at BookCon and Book Expo America (BEA). Grace will be available to speak with book buyers, librarians, the press, and readers during BookCon on Saturday, June 1 as well as during BEA, which takes place beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, May 29 through Friday, May 31 at the Javitz Center in New York City.


In Grace’s latest book, Einstein’s Compass: A YA Time Traveler Adventure, we meet a young Albert Einstein who has been given a supernatural compass that allows him to travel through time and space. Through the compass, Albert finds wisdom in other dimensions, including the lost city of Atlantis. But evil forces seek the power of the compass, including a monstrous, shape-shifting dragon from a different age. Can the compass protect Albert from such villainy?


A finalist in the 13th Annual National Indie Excellence Awards and Winner of the 2019 eLit Silver Award for Juvenile YA Fiction, Einstein’s Compass has been called “a riveting fantasy about soul-searching and growth [that] will keep young adult readers engrossed to the end.” ~ Midwest Review of Books. Grace will be signing copies of Einstein’s Compass at Booth 1003 (Ingram Pavillion) from 11:00 a.m to 12:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 1, 2019. Book supplies are limited.


About Grace Blair: Grace is an award-winning self-help and motivational author as well as a podcast host. She has helped thousands find spiritual wisdom to solve everyday challenges. As a serious student of all things spiritual and mystical, she has found that often psychological principles are enriched by a spiritual component. She frequently uncovers practical applications for her discoveries in the mystical world. Her studies, experience, and discoveries inspired her to write Einstein’s Compass. She lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband, Dr. John Blair. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/30995754-einstein-s-compass

“Einstein’s Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure”wins Silver in 2019 eLit Awards in the Juvenile YA Fiction Category

—with credit to D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

How did Albert Einstein come up with his wondrous theories of light and time?

What if Einstein’s remarkable theories came from his personal journeys through space and time? Einstein’s Compass: a YA Time Traveler Adventure blends this premise into a broader examination of mythology as it opens with a brief glimpse of life in Atlantis and moves to the dilemmas surrounding Raka, a fallen Angel of Light.



The spiritual shudder he experienced an eon ago leads to his theft of a vial of DNA and exposes the resentment he holds for his uncle, who won’t share secrets with him.

He seeks rewards and recognition from the Council of the Sons of Belial in exchange for betraying his fellow Atlanteans, but the secret of the Firestone crystal continues to elude him.

This is a YA read, but it should be mentioned that graphic violence is part of the storyline. Such descriptions may give pause to adults seeking ‘clean’ reading for teens, but these moments are in keeping with plot development and are not excessive in appearance, nor over-emphasized.


Young Albert Einstein is in possession of a compass that allows him to travel in time and space. Unfortunately, he holds a coveted key to not just enlightenment, but power, and he soon discovers that dangerous supernatural forces from different eras are also searching for his prize.


Readers anticipating the usual timeslip saga may at first be surprised by the inclusion of and focus on these supernatural entities. As Raka stalks his unsuspecting prey, willing to pay the karmic price for assaulting the holder of the prized Shamir,  Albert faces the death of a beloved friend, an increasing awareness of his power and its danger, and a journey that embraces not just mythological forces, but Biblical times, Jesus, and Albert’s own roots in Atlantis.


These subplots lend complexity to Einstein’s Compass that will be intriguing and absorbing to mature YA readers; especially prior fans of timeslip sagas more used to such stories holding historical rather than fantasy backgrounds.


Under Grace Blair and Laren Bright’s hands, Einstein’s Compass is more than just another time travel story, but one of soul searching, enlightenment, and classic struggles between good and evil. During this journey, young Albert embraces the threat of death and world-changing perspectives.


Indeed, Albert will change the world, one day. But the roots of his knowledge and endeavors take a different turn in a riveting fantasy about soul-searching and growth which will keep young adult readers engrossed to the end.

“…a riveting fantasy about soul-searching and growth which will keep young adult readers engrossed to the end.”


Available at all online bookstores in paperback, Kindle, and audiobook.

How we co-authored Einstein’s Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure

Grace: In honor of my relationship to the Mystical Traveler and the blessings I have received through the teachings of MSIA, I wanted to write a novel that expressed the forty-six years of what I knew of God, the Mystical Travelers and the invisible. I wrote to John-Roger in 2012 requesting the inner guidance to write a novel based on Al

Albert Einstein’s journey to discovering his theory of time and light with the premise: what if Einstein had assistance from the Mystical Travelers to discover his theory of time and light. It was in Israel 2014 while traveling with J-R and our MSIA group that the story began to come to me.

I have always thought of Einstein as a fascinating person. In reading about him, I discovered Einstein was a spiritual person whose father gave him a compass that sent him on his scientific journey. Since he was on a quest to understand the universe, I wondered, what if he was a modern mystic in his time? Moreover, what if he had assistance from spiritual beings to understand the universe?

Through physics, he found his answers. Our book of fiction follows his biographical history from age six to twenty-six and adds a new level of mystical spirituality — that he had help from mystical beings who assisted him in his hero’s journey and his miracle theory. Einstein believed that we have to go beyond what we can see and measure in the physical world. Our book, “Einstein’s Compass” goes beyond what we know and adds a possible fictional explanation for how he came up with his miracle theory and changed the world.

In 2014, I began to write the first chapters of “Einstein’s Compass, a Novel of What If?” Through email and social media, I shared my rough draft chapters with friends. Laren Bright — a book specialist who has been a friend for many years and lived in Los Angeles — would reply to my chapters with how he loved the story’s premise and offered ideas of how to phrase a sentence or two. I live in Lubbock, Texas and found Laren’s emails little treasures. Our emails went back and forth for about two months when I asked Laren if he would like to join me in writing “Einstein’s Compass.” He said yes. Therefore, began our four-year relationship of co-authoring.

Laren: Sometime in 2014, my friend Grace Allison contacted me about editing a fiction book she was working on. I have known Grace since the early 1970s and over recent years did some work for her on her self-help/self-awareness books. While my focus lately had been on promotional writing for authors, because of my long-term relationship with Grace, I decided to give it a shot.

After working on a few chapters for her, I realized that I was adding more content than an editor normally would. And I was very impressed with her ideas and where it looked like the story was going. So I suggested that what we were doing was co-writing, and Grace agreed.

I am by nature a collaborative writer. When I was writing television animation scripts on staff at Hanna-Barbera and Warner Brothers Animation, it was common for writers to work together. However, working with Grace was unique.

I quickly saw that we each brought particular strengths to the process that complemented each other very well. Grace was amazingly creative with ideas for the story and was wonderful with researching both the historical material of the times Albert Einstein was growing up and also the information on Atlantis — which came from some very interesting sources. For my part, having written close to a hundred stories for television, maybe more, I had a pretty good sense of storytelling and structure and my work writing promotional materials gave me a solid foundation in the craft of writing and using language. I really enjoy going over and over and over something to make sure the language works well.

Our process, which developed pretty organically and without much discussion among us, was for Grace to write a draft of a chapter and then send it to me. My job was to craft the language and refine or develop the story. I also was on the lookout for inconsistencies in the story and problems with the logic of how things worked. Then I would send it back to Grace for her review. Once we got the whole thing completed, we assembled the individual chapters into a manuscript and it was my job to go through the entire manuscript to smooth out any rough edges and hopefully spot anything that was off track. Then Grace gave it her final review.

The only time we hit a conflict between us was at the end. I find when I write, the story reveals itself in a sort of organic way. When we got to the final confrontation between Albert and Raka, I saw it playing out in a particular way. Grace saw it differently. What ensued was a series of emails exploring how this might be resolved, and, to my surprise, we found a solution that not only satisfied both of us but also did not require any major revising of the earlier chapters to set it up.

One thing that made our collaboration on this book particularly powerful is that our foundation of meditation and spiritual studies was highly aligned. As a result, the metaphysical/spiritual principles underpinning the story were largely real for us, and we would find ourselves naturally describing the same phenomena. This added to the substantial-ness of some of the material we covered that could have otherwise seemed merely fanciful.

I found co-writing with Grace to be smooth and easy. I think we both had the same intention of what we wanted the underlying message of the story to be and that made it easy to cooperate with each other. We also trusted each other to do our very best, so we were always supportive of each other.

I think co-writing this way was as much as an adventure as the story itself.

Click here to download the novel from Amazon

What is a Mystic?

During the 15th Century, the Spanish Inquisition punished people who had otherworldly experiences with God. Anyone who was a healer or had intuitive knowledge of God was burned at the stake. According to the church, the only way a person could hear the word of God was through a priest or minister. Today the term “mystic” is associated with the occult, magic, astrology and tarot readings. I want to educate people to know that the mystical is not dark magic nor should you be ostracized.

According to the dictionary, a mystic is a person who seeks by contemplation and self-surrender to obtain unity with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute, or who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond the intellect.

Being a mystic is a spiritual, religious, and transcendental experience. St. Theresa of Avila, a former Jewess was a Catholic nun and a mystic in the 16th century. The Catholic Church venerates more than 10,000 saints with many being mystics. Patron saints are often chosen today because an interest, talent, or event in their lives overlaps with the special area. For example, St. Francis of Assisi was a mystic who loved nature and so he is the patron of ecologists. St. Francis de Sales was a mystical writer and so he is the patron of journalists and writers. St. Clare of Assisi, a mystic and the patron of television because one Christmas when she was too ill to leave her bed she saw and heard Christmas Mass — even though it was taking place miles away. Angels are also named as patron saints.

I do not claim to be a saint. However, there are saints among us who do the work of loving service. In 1973, I discovered a spiritual phenomenon called the Mystical Traveler Consciousness. The Mystical Traveler is in everyone and is the living love of the spiritual heart of Jesus Christ. Imagine having an intuitive flashlight to look into the darkness of your soul. With the Light of God and the Mystical Traveler exercising the living spirit within, you can step into an awareness that will lift and assist you in your life’s lessons.

In the “AHA” book, “Do You Have a Dream?” 140 Insights into Building Confidence, Overcoming Stress & Loving Yourself”, you will have 140 of my best insights to assist you in focusing on and discovering more of the wisdom, truth, and beauty within you.

Let go of the world around you, go inside, find your dream and follow the adventure of making it come true.

In your day-to-day learning, if you find a unique way of dreaming, pass it on. We on planet earth are students of life. Maybe you can share and become a thought leader too.

Grace Allison, http://www.gracethemystic.com Modern Mystic: I am a creative, enthusiastic, visionary who enjoys making a difference through service.

GracetheMystic, Modern Mystic Media
806-790-4845 | [email protected] | www.gracethemystic.com |
4408 14 Street Lubbock, Texas 79416


AUSTIN, TX – Texas Authors have once again allowed their creative minds to open up and expand the Universe in which they live with short stories that capture one’s emotions through the everlasting aspect of storytelling.


In this, the third volume of award-winning short stories, the reader is taken on a personal ride of growth and understanding, then through history both factual and fictional as they explore each side of wars. Then fear grabs hold of you and shakes you with terror before unleashing giggles and out-right laughs. Those are just a few of the emotions one will experience as they read these 23 short stories from all parts of Texas.


Texas Authors, Inc., a nonprofit organization that supports and markets Texas Authors teamed up with Texas number one eBook store EBG247.com to help promote the contest which had thousands of dollars in prizes up for grabs.


The winner of this year’s contest winners are:


Fiction/African American

1st Place – Renne Siewers – Swish, Swish – The Mistake



1st Place – Ernie Lee – Heart Over Mind

2nd Place – Darlene Prescott – Early Wanderings and Unholy Revelations



1st Place – Dale Wender – Concho Diary



1st Place – Grace Allison – Neville’s Pond



1st Place – Dick Elam – “Who’s Truman?”

2nd Place –  George Ramphrey – Texas Two Step

3rd Place – Joseph Willis – The Lesson



1st Place – Larry Morris – Nightmare



1st Place – Aaron Ward – Supererogate Park

2nd Place –  Curt Locklear – Bee in the Car



(Tie) 1st Mark Allen – Plain Brown Wrapper

(Tie) 1st Julie Cosgrove – The Highway Chair

3rd Place – Ken Ingle – Never on Friday



Sandra Fox Murphy – Passage



1st Place – Jan Sikes – Broken Promises



1st Place – Joe Kilgore – Twenty-Ten

2nd Place – Robert DeLuca – Faithful Forever



1st Place – Aaron Ward – Panner’s Final Problem

(Tie) 2nd Place – Larry Morris – All in Good Time

(Tie) 2nd Place –  Jan Sikes – The Forgotten


Fiction/Techno Thriller

1st Place – Charles Breakfield & Rox Burkey – The Enigma Chronicles – Remember the Future



1st Place – B Alan Bourgeois – Authors Revolution



This wonderful collection of short stories can be purchased for $14.95 at one of the sponsor’s websites.  $2.00 from the sale of each book is donated to the DEAR Texas literacy programs, which helps get books into the schools, libraries, and readers who may not otherwise afford them. The book is available in paperback, eBook and soon as an audiobook.  You may also purchase last year’s book at http://Vol3.TxShorts.com


To learn more about DEAR Texas and it’s Book Festival Network, or its Literacy programs, please visit their website athttp://DearTexas.info


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The Good and Evil of Amazon.com

Since March 1, 2017, Amazon has changed its policy to allow third party sellers in its book division. When I wrote to Jeff Bezo’s at Amazon on May 27, 2017, I received this response from Amazon:

 Martin Costa, Executive Customer Relations  

Author Central https://authorcentral.amazon.com/ 

Thank you for your email. I understand you’d like to discuss this matter with Jeff Bezos, but regrettably, his schedule doesn’t allow him to answer directly, and my team responds on his behalf. We have seen that allowing third-party sellers to compete for buy box creates a better overall experience for customers around features they value, and we have recently extended this policy to print books. We appreciate your feedback and concerns around this change. If you have further comments or need to contact me directly, please email me at [email protected].
My last email, “Stakeholders” to Amazon’s Author Central has gone unanswered. My point was why Amazon is opening up to offer third-party sellers when they could make money as a Kindle Direct Printing as well as from authors.
I discovered I had to see the new third party policy from how the company makes more profits.
I have a friend who worked at Amazon in the warehouse pushing the carts around and filling orders. She said that Amazon could make more money by having third-party bookstores. The third party bookstores could sell more books in volume than we self-published authors could.
The big picture is that not only can a third-party seller sell books they can sell anything else in Amazon’s warehouse. For example, I could pay $39.99 a month and set up a professional account obtain a Buy Button on Amazon’s Marketplace and sell not only my book but any other book or product listed in Amazon’s warehouse. Amazon is responsible for fulfilling the orders. I do not have to provide the inventory for anything that Amazon offer.
From Amazon’s website: 
Since 2000, selling on Amazon has been helping individuals and businesses increase sales and reach new customers. Today, more than 40% of Amazon’s total unit sales come from third-party selection. All sellers can list products in more than 20 categories. Professional Sellers can apply to sell in at least 10 additional categories. If you plan to sell more than 40 items a month its $39.99/month + other selling fees. You plan to sell fewer than 40 items a month $0.99 per sale + other selling fees.
Therefore, the warehouse worker who pushed the cart down the warehouse aisle puts a copy of your book in the cart then adds toothpaste, skin care products, toilet paper, and a dress. If I am set-up to sell all those products through my third-party store I receive a profit from the sale minus the initial set-up fee and other charges.
A sale of my “Do You Have a Dream Workbook 5 Key to Realize Your Dream”, I discovered  I would make only $.69 if I allowed third-party sellers to sell my book on Amazon.
I found I could make $1.90 per book if I set-up my own bookstore. For on-line sales, as an indie author, I have set-up my bookstore through Ingram-Spark called Aer.io. It’s free to any Ingram author. I can sell my books as well as any other book that Ingram has in its inventory. On my website, www.gracethemystic.com I direct people to buy my book https://aerbook.com/store/ModernMysticMedia from my bookstore instead of Amazon’s bookstore. I make more money with selling my book. Moreover, I can sell any other book in my bookstore that Ingram carries. In addition, I can use the social media buttons provided by Aer.io to advertise the website or any book in my bookstore. I have complete control over the pricing and discounts of the books. Ingram provides the fulfillment, taxes and shipping.
In conclusion, authors and our books are just things not works of art that require special handling. Our books sit next to breakfast cereal or toothpaste.   I know my friend who was pushing carts in Amazon is now an author. She plans to have a Buy Button and become an Amazon Marketplace third party seller. Who knows maybe she will be selling your book next to hers with the toothpaste, breakfast cereal and dress.
I sent the above-mentioned email you just read to Mr. Costa on June 9, 2017:

June 10, 2017

Dear Grace,
We appreciate your feedback on our bookstore, and I want to assure you that your voice has been heard by our team. Feedback from our authors is always welcome as it’s fundamental to help us maintain a great experience for both customers and authors.
Thank you
Martin Costa
Executive Customer Relations
Author Central

If you have a situation that you want to address with Mr. Costa please make your comment/question here.

[Grace The Mystic, Award Winning Author] The Good and Evil of Amazon.com
Grace, it is wonderful that you have found someone to answer your questions and that you are passing it along to authors everywhere. Thank you for the information. An addition: authors often use Amazon’s Profile page as a place to be seen by their readers. It won’t fix the royalty problem, but if they are not using that feature, they should look into it. Here is my page as an example: http://bit.ly/CarolynsAmznProfile. your readers will find a lot more information on how to set up a profile page and what it can do for them in my multi award- winning book , #TheFrugalBookPromoter.