
Improve Your Health with Compassion and Courage

Dedicated to the brave spiritual warrior in everyone.

The true meaning of courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to overcome fear when we want something bad enough. Even the most courageous of people still feel fear. To tap into this power, be a spiritual warrior. Practice and increase your bravery one courageous act at a time. Shift your inner gears from uncertainty to taking care of yourself first by making priorities that will move your life forward. Be kind to yourself. Have compassion for yourself by practicing gratitude. Begin your day by writing three things your grateful for. Researchers have found a link between gratitude and having lower blood pressure, and fewer aches and pains and improved immunity. Grateful, compassionate people are flexible and even have healthier hearts. #compassion #courage #gratitude.

Serendipity – Opportunity In The Time of Change

Have you noticed when life is going down a path with a goal in mind, you hit a wall? Like Einstein in this chapter of Einstein’s Compass, life on our planet has changed beyond what we could imagine. You can throw your 2020 Yearly Calendar in the trash. In this chapter of Einstein’s Compass, his studies complete, Albert Einstein’s professors refused to help him secure a teaching job. He thought his life was over until a job at the Patent Office opened. The Patent Office turned out to be the perfect job for Albert. The laboratory gave him the opportunity to experiment with his theories. A lesson from Einstein might be how can we be flexible, learn to adapt and change? It takes courage to face the unknown. Please have compassion for yourself and forgive whatever you think is in your way. Check out Einstein’s Compass on the “Dr. Who” in UK website. Because of the virus they dropped their advertising prices. I received a low cost one-year contact.


Albert threw the letter down on his desk and began pacing. “Fools!”

He was referring to professors Weber and Pernat of the Physics Department at the Polytechnic. They had declined to recommend him for a teaching position now that he had graduated. Albert had sought to locate Professor Meiss who had, at least at first, seemed to understand Albert’s passion for innovative work. But he had become distant and then mysteriously disappeared.

As with most of his education, the general physics classes he took at the Swiss Federal Polytechnical School did not engage Albert. As a result, he had alienated mainly the professors there when he embarked on a course of independent study to learn firsthand from the masters. He wished his idols, James Clerk Maxwell and Ludwig Boltzmann, the pioneers and founders of the kinetic theory of matter could have taught him.

Albert had often skipped classes, studied the latest research, and then naively wondered why the school’s faculty turned him down when he sought a referral to teach. The fact was, his professors understood his genius, but would not tolerate his lack of respect for them or the traditional theories of physics they taught.

After four years of study, by the end of October 1900, Albert was no longer a student, and he was jobless. He had churned out job applications and letters, and by 1901, had a truly impressive stack of rejection postcards. Albert wondered if anti-Semitism played a role in his inability to land a job. The jury was out on that.

Nearing desperation, Albert reached out to his school friend Michael Besso, who had wandered around for a while after graduating and then became an engineer in Italy. Of all the people Albert knew, aside from his fiancée, Besso was his closest friend. But, friendship or not, even he could not help.

Feeling thwarted at every turn, a ray of hope came through his former classmate and college friend Michael Grossman, with whom Albert would often ditch class and go to the cafes to debate “real” science. Michael had learned of an opportunity at the Swiss Patent Office. Michael’s father knew the director of there and offered to recommend Albert for the position. Although it was not anything close to what Albert had dreamt of as his first position after graduation, he was now at the point of entertaining any possibility. Albert hoped to hear soon whether he was accepted for the job.


* * *


The sun would not rise for another three hours, but Albert was awake. Dressed in his bathrobe and slippers, he was bleary-eyed from too much coffee and not enough sleep. Anxious about his cash running out and still without a job, he sat at the kitchen table piled high with notebooks that were crammed with math equations. In pursuit of an answer to his life’s predicament, he drew his twelve-jeweled compass from his bathrobe pocket.

As it often did, the compass triggered memories of the day when his father offered him not just a brass direction finder but also awakened him to the quest to discover the unforeseen forces of the universe. Albert brought the compass closer to his heart and closed his eyes. As Arka had taught him, he repeated the blessing to activate the compass.

Almost as soon as he completed the prayer, Albert heard a guitar playing and a man with a Scottish accent singing a Robert Burns poem, “Comin’ Thro’ the Rye.” As the music became more explicit, an image formed. It shocked Albert to see James Clerk Maxwell, who had studied and reported on electricity as early as 1855. Maxwell’s work on electromagnetism, kinetic theory, and thermodynamics won him every scientific honor of his time. His most significant discovery, though, followed his equations for electromagnetism, which were called the second grand unification in physics, following the first from Sir Isaac Newton.

A devout evangelical Presbyterian and elder in the Scottish Church, Maxwell completed his song, then said to Albert, “Aye, boy-o, what you seek is beyond math. What principles of the many disciplines that you have learned have you mastered? The Lord sees the universe in harmony. Find the unity in all.”

As the first light of dawn hit his eyes, it startled Albert awake from his reverie, the compass still gripped securely in his palm. Inspiration struck him like a physical blow, and he exclaimed, “Oh, I understand how to merge my work on capillarity to Boltzmann’s theory of gases!” Albert hurriedly put the compass back in his pocket and started scribbling away in his notebook.


* * *

The senior Grossman’s recommendation did the trick, and they hired Albert at the patent office. While it relieved him to have an income, science was still Albert’s first love. As a patent clerk, he analyzed technical designs and often collaborated with inventors by making recommendations on their experiments. Oddly, since Albert was fresh with contemporary theories and a fresh approach to step outside the box and plan a new direction in physics, the Swiss Patent Office became the ideal laboratory for his experiments.

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Tips for Coping With Changes Brought on by the Pandemic – Guest Post

  • Tips for Coping With Changes Brought on by the Pandemic

    Whether we like it, change is a fact of life that we can’t avoid. There are some changes we expect, but life also throws us some curveballs that we never see coming. Going through a pandemic is one life change most of us never predicted, and now that it’s here, we’ve experienced just how quickly our everyday lives can be upended. These unexpected changes are both big and small. They come with some surprising benefits, along with extra challenges.

    There’s a lot outside our control, but what you can control is how you respond to these changes. As Grace Allison says, in her book, ‘Do You Have a Dream Workbook 5 Keys to Realize Your Dream’, it takes “courage, confidence, and creativity” to change your life for the better.

    Recreate Routines

    Most of us thrive on routine, even if we aren’t aware of it. But since the pandemic, your routine probably looks different. Maybe you’ve lost your job or have worked from home. You may not get to church to worship or the gym to work out.

    According to Business Insider, two ways to respond to these changes successfully include (1) setting a new schedule, and (2) focusing on what you can control. How can you set a schedule that includes your usual activities, only done from home? If you’re missing your usual workout, try a workout app or video. If you’re missing your faith community, the Mayo Clinic recommends using this time to focus even more on your spiritual life, even if that’s something you have to do outside of church.

    Explore New Possibilities

     While recreating routines is a positive step, this may also be the perfect time to try something new. If your job situation has changed, why not look into fresh opportunities? Even while some companies are laying off employees, others are going strong, and many are finding the talent they need through hiring freelancers. For example, if you’re knowledgeable about desktop publishing and typesetting, including experience with Adobe InDesign, an online job board like Upwork is perfect for finding your first clients. Or perhaps you’re an animal lover and would like to start your own dog-walking business.

    Alternative possibilities can also come in the form of new hobbies. Have you heard that more people are gardening these days? Gardening is one hobby that provides more happiness than other daily activities, including ones we’re now missing (like shopping or eating at your favorite restaurant). So if you haven’t tried gardening before, or previously didn’t have enough time for it, starting a garden now is a productive way to find an alternative source of happiness.

    Manage Change With Creativity

     When we’re confronted with changes are outside our control, the only thing we can do is adapt. However, it’s perfectly okay if you’re feeling sad, frustrated, angry, and even anxious. These feelings are valid, but what you don’t want to do is let them consume you. Working with a therapist or spiritual advisor is one healthy way to process these emotions, and another way is to do something creative.

    If you enjoy writing, consider starting a gratitude journal, or try one of these tips from PsychCentral for writing to help process emotions. If you’re more drawn to visual arts, dedicate some time to an art form you enjoy, and maybe even take online lessons. No matter what you pick, spending time on a creative activity is productive, which is a great way to get a sense of accomplishment during a time when many of us miss that feeling.

    We’re all missing our normal lives right now. But what if your old normal isn’t the life meant for you? Maybe this new normal holds opportunities you never would have sought. It’s okay to miss your old routines, but don’t stay so focused on the old that you let these new opportunities pass you by!

    Photo credit: Pixabay

    Thank you!

    Jennifer Scott

    Spiritfinder.org | [email protected]

Do You Have the Courage of Einstein?

Albert Einstein was never always famous. Born a Jew, he attended a Catholic school where he faced bullies daily chanting words of antisemitism. At age 16 his parents moved to Italy without him. Left alone, he had no one to help him face the brutal torture of his teachers and peers. When he graduated from college, his professors refused to give him referrals to find a job. What did Albert have that kept him going? A compass his father gave him when he was a boy. The compass was more than a direction finder. It became his moral code, a dream to stay on course, to discover what is time, what is light. Albert had courage, the heart to continue his journey, no matter who stood in his way or what tried to stop him. In this time of darkness, find your spiritual compass. Maybe you too can change the world.

Chapter 15 – Hate

The room filled with wooden desks arranged in three precisely regimented double rows facing the wall-to-wall blackboard at the front of the room. Albert made his way to a seat at the end of one row. Dropping his books on the desk, he searched for Johann. It surprised him to see his friend sitting next to Werner von Wiesel. When Johann glanced up, Albert gestured for his friend to sit next to him. Johann shook his head and looked down, unable to meet Albert’s eyes. Puzzled, Albert shrugged and sat as a blond boy took what was to have been Johann’s seat.

His back to the class, the teacher, Herr Hamlin, spoke while he wrote on the blackboard, “What… does it… mean… to be… German?” Dressed in a simple, dark-green wool suit, the tall, white-haired gentleman stood stiffly erect. He turned to face the class. “Today we will discuss the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 and its impact on the people of Germany. Can anyone tell the class how the war of 1870 changed Germany?”

The boy next to Albert raised a hand.

Herr Hamlin gestured with chalk. “Yes, Herr Frederick?”

Ulrich Frederick stood, cleared his throat, and precisely stated his answer. “Prussian and German victory brought about the final unification of Germany. It was under King Werner I of Prussia.”

Hamlin, facing the class, crossed his arms. “Who were the two military leaders who conducted the war?”

Werner von Wiesel, shouted in a bored tone from his seat, “Napoleon III for France and Bismarck for Germany.”

Hamlin nodded, “Good.” Then he smiled. “You know, Herr von Wiesel, I served under your father during the Franco-Prussian War.”

Werner puffed himself up as he stood. “Yes, Herr Hamlin. When my father talks of the war, he often mentions you and your bravery as a soldier.” All eyes on him, Werner smiled and straightened his waistcoat. “My father feels that all Germany should have helped the Prussians.”

In a loud voice, Hamlin stabbed the blackboard with his index finger. “The young of our nation needs to be reminded of who we are. So, tell me, Herr von Wiesel, what does it mean to be German?”

Werner pulled his shoulders back and thrust out his chest, saying, “To be German means to be STRONG!”

Hamlin nodded approvingly, then turned to Albert’s seatmate. “Herr Frederick, what do you say it means to be a German?”

“That one is brave and honorable,” Herr Frederick said, then sat with near-military precision.

All eyes turned to Albert. He stood to answer, but before he could get a word out, Werner spat out, “You’re a Jew, not a German. You’re a foreigner who will disgrace the German Army when you get drafted next year.”

Albert glared at Werner, putting his hands on his hips. “I only want to be a scientist. I will not serve in the army. I do not believe in war.” What an arrogant loudmouth, Albert thought.

Werner turned and gave Johann a wicked wink. He pointed at Albert and taunted, “As you can see by his comment, Herr Hamlin, our Jew is a coward.”

Albert’s face reddened as his anger rose. “To my mind, compulsory military service is the prime cause of moral decay. It threatens not just the survival of our country, but of our very civilization!”

Herr Hamlin removed his spectacles and polished them with a clean, white handkerchief. In a stern voice he warned, “Careful, Herr Einstein, you could face imprisonment if you do not serve.” Holding his glasses up to the light and approving of their cleanliness, he said, “After all, the German National Army and universal military service were organized after the Franco-Prussian War. Bismarck’s vision brought about the victory over Napoleon III that led to the unification of our nation. You wouldn’t challenge that, now would you?”

Albert clenched his jaw but had the sense to hold his tongue as Herr Hamlin continued after a pause. “Napoleon III surrendered in January 1871, after being under siege from Sept 19, 1870. The Treaty of Frankfurt was signed on May 10, 1871. France ceded Alsace, except Belfort and eastern Lorraine, to Germany.” Hamlin put his spectacles back on, saying, “The German Army could occupy northern France until we received payment of five billion Francs. Now, Germany has the strongest economy on the Continent thanks to this war.” Hamlin turned, then turned back. “And the strongest military!”

Once again turning his gaze from Albert, Hamlin said, “I am going to end our discussion of what it means to be German and move on to other topics. However, I want each of you to attend the Volkisch rally this evening. It is at the Englischer Garden.” Straightening the rare items on his already meticulously neat desk, he instructed, “Be prepared to give your answer to my question in our next class.”

Albert frowned, thinking about the rally that was sure to be filled with anti-Semitic rhetoric. Those thoughts kept him distracted for the rest of the period. The nationalistic talk that promoted violence and hatred was becoming more prevalent by the day.

When Herr Hamlin dismissed the class, Albert gathered his books, then looked to where Johann had been sitting. His friend was no longer there. In fact, Albert did not see him anywhere in the rapidly emptying room. Leaving the classroom, he resumed his search outside the building.

He eventually found Johann huddled under a tree facing away from the Gymnasium. “Johann?” Albert saw his friend cringe at the sound of his voice. Albert carefully sat on the ground next to Johann. “What’s the matter, my friend?” Johann would not look at Albert and only shook his head, nervously glancing around. Puzzled, Albert tried again. “So, why did you sit with Werner today? You and I usually sit together.”

A forlorn whimper escaped Johann’s lips. With pain in his eyes, he turned to his friend. “Albert, I know we have been friends for years, but…” Johann paused, then sighed, “no more.” Albert gasped as if someone had hit him in the stomach. Johann was more a brother than a friend. Johann looked down and said, “Things are changing in Germany. Bullies like Werner…”

“…are rising in popularity and influence. I know,” Albert completed Johann’s sentence.

“Yes,” said Johann bleakly. “It’s gotten to where harm will come to my family and me if I remain friends with you.”

Albert’s eyes filled with tears. “You’re right. It’s getting that ugly.” Albert’s heart filled with resolve. “We cannot let anything happen to you or your family because of me and mine.” Albert gripped Johann’s arm. “We will not surrender to this hatred… but we will go along with what we must do to keep you safe, for now.”

Tears spilled onto Johann’s cheeks. He looked into Albert’s eyes. “I knew you would understand. You are a better man than I am, Albert.” He squeezed Albert’s arm again, as he made his way to his feet. “And… thank you, Albert. We will find a way through this. I know we will.”

Albert could only nod as he watched his friend walk away. “We will find a way.” But he sighed as he got back up. But God only knows how long it will take and what will happen in the meantime, he thought. Albert walked back toward the school building, a shivery feeling of dread filling his stomach, and sadness weighing down his heart.


How to Deal with the Inner Critic Inside

Did you know you have a five-year-old child inside your belly? Mental health professionals call it the inner child. Its job is self-preservation. When a life storm comes along like the pandemic, the little one takes the driver’s seat. When you feel scared, your heart beating fast, mind swimming, what will I do next, who will rescue me? The little one inside sends you in directions to protect you. Sometimes the direction might eat and drinking foods for comfort. Using credit cards, and spending money you do not have.

When a crisis hits help the little one to feel safe. Take care of yourself by creating priorities. Eat healthy foods for each meal. Sleep at least six hours a night, naps when needed. Exercise walking helps the inner child to quiet. Meditation, prayer and giving thanks for what you have.

The inner child likes to communicate through writing. I recommend my “Do You Have a Dream Workbook 5 Keys to Realize Your Dream”. The self-directed Workbook has ten chapters with a 5 step-process to direct you in a positive direction. When used for at least thirty days you will feel greater confidence, courage, and creativity.


Grace Allison Blair is an award-winning self-help and motivational author, and podcast host, who has assisted thousands to find their spiritual wisdom to solve everyday challenges.

Hall Ways Einstein’s Compass Audiobook Review

HALL WAYS REVIEW: Audio Book Review: Einstein’s Compass is a HIGHLY imaginative mix of historical fact, biblical and mythological references, and spiritual mysticism that will keep readers’ brains whirling and fully engaged.

“He held his breath as the stink of foul, stale blood

and dark purpose filled the air.”

Figurative language coupled with rich, detailed descriptions make it easy to imagine the fantastic, but it also makes it easy to get bogged down in it. Though the narrator is spectacular, I think it would have been easier for me to absorb the more technical or spiritual elements of the book by reading with my eyes or better — enjoying the book through a combination of print and audio so I could re-read passages and see spellings of words and names.

I very much enjoy how Einstein’s Compass offers readers a full fantasy experience but also ties it into characters based in history – namely Albert Einstein, but also in religious history, like Moses and Ezekiel, for example, and how there is a whole team of otherworldly beings at work behind the scenes influencing the direction of the world. These actors exist in history, in parallel worlds, and even in limbo as they transition from death to after-life. The bottom line of the book implies that there is much divine and/or otherworldly guidance and intervention in the lives of some – like Albert Einstein – whose paths are meant for greatness.

“My only god is mathematics.”

The story provides a good window into the likely frustration that a young, brilliant Einstein had with classmates and adults who didn’t understand and/or felt intimidated by his intelligence. Also, it is interesting to view young Einstein in context of his being a Jew when already the anti-Semitism is building up and he and others are being singled-out and persecuted.

At special times in human evolution, a traveler is given the keys to soul transcendence: The practices that awaken the awareness of oneself as a soul and as more than that, knowing their oneness with God. This is not a theoretical understanding, but the actual experience of that living reality.

The story gets a little deep at times and includes challenging vocabulary, which could lose some readers. There are astral planes and light travelers (Jesus being the first of the latter), plus there is seduction and references to arousal in the story, so it’s probably more geared for mature, advanced young adult readers. I recommend the book for readers who can go in with open minds and seek new experiences and viewpoints likely different from anything they’ve read before. Einstein’s Compass would be an excellent book for reading clubs because it begs to be discussed.

ABOUT THE NARRATION: Narrator Curt Bonnem does an outstanding job performing the voices of a huge cast of characters, both male and female (and genderless), in a variety of accents, of those both good and evil.  I especially liked his voicing of Jehovah — the ultimate good guy, and Raka – the ultimate bad guy.  There were no technical issues with the recording, and I listened at regular speed and was never impatient with the pace.

Thank you to the author for providing me an audio book download in exchange for my honest opinion – the only kind I give. 

The tour is being sponsored by Grace Blair. The gifting of this audio book did not affect my opinion of it.


Einstein Meets Galileo The Father of Physics

On a clear sunny spring day, me and forty visitors from around the world got off the cruise bus in Pisa, Italy. Within a ten-minute stroll we are inside the rock gate of the Square of Miracles, a five-story reinforced twelve century feudal citadel. Transported back in time, I am in awe of the cerulean sky and the Piazza die Miracoli. The Baptistery in the foreground, the Duomo in the center, and the wedding cake leaning tower in the background on the right. Consecrated to Mary of the Assumption, the Romanesque Chesia Cathedral rests next to the slimming bell tower and tempts me to go in. The smell of Frankincense greets my nose when I stroll through the enormous bronze doors. Have I entered a Michelangelo painting? I glance up to discover the Medici gilded ceiling and painted dome. The interior of the cathedral is finished with black-and-white marble. Pointing to the hanging incense burner, our tour guide explains Galileo came upon his conclusion of time by observing the sway of the lamp and holding the beat of his pulse in his wrist. He established his gravity experiment on the top of the leaning bell tower next door. It is here I envision the chapter where in a dream Einstein meets his hero Galileo.


Einstein’s Compass A YA Time Traveler Adventure

Morning sunlight shined through the train compartment’s window and glinted in the twelve brilliant jewels as Albert swung his treasure back and forth, then lowered it to his lap. The stones shimmered like stars in a rainbow of light. A spiral of light seemed to project from the compass, and Albert floated up into it and into another dimension of time. Mesmerized, Albert drifted off.

The smell of frankincense woke him. He saw enormous flying buttresses and realized he must be in a Gothic cathedral. Seated next to him in the pew was a bearded, balding gentleman. He stared at the man, watching the swings of a bronze chandelier that hung from the ceiling on a long metal chain and swung back and forth at regular intervals.

After a moment, the man spoke. It was not a language Albert knew, but he somehow understood. “Most interesting, don’t you think?”

“Uh, I’m not quite sure what I’m looking at, sir,” Albert responded respectfully.

The man nodded, then said, “Put your hand over your heart for a moment, then touch your wrist with your fingers.”

Albert complied. “Your heart goes bump, bump, yes?” Albert nodded. “And your pulse does the same.”

“It does,” Albert confirmed.

With his arm, the man mirrored the swing of the lamp. “You see, young man? I have observed that no matter how large or small the arc, the chandelier will complete its back and forth in the same amount of time.”

“Really?” Albert asked, suddenly fully engaged in the conversation.

The man nodded solemnly.

As the subject matter of the discussion began to sink in, Albert suddenly had a sense of whom he was speaking to. Awed, he hesitantly asked, “Would you be, uh, Galileo, sir?”

With a twinkle in his eye, the man affirmed it. “I must admit, I am he.” Galileo leaned forward. “Now, we have established that we can measure time, correct?” Albert nodded. “Then remember that and come with me,” he said, setting down a prayer book and motioning for Albert to follow.

As they strolled outside to a leaning tower nearby, Galileo picked up two rocks, one twice the size of the other. With Albert in tow, he climbed the stairs to the top of the tower. Leaning over the edge, Galileo said, “Watch. I drop them at the same time.”

The rocks fell, and both landed together with a distant thump. “See, gravity! You must use gravity with time.”

Albert nodded thoughtfully, leaning further over the ledge to stare again at the rocks. Suddenly he was falling over the crowning ridge of the tower… He came back to awareness in the train car compartment with a jerk.

I have been with the father of physics! Albert thought with awe as he put the compass back into his pocket and absently gazed out the compartment window, considering what Galileo had said.

@Bublishme #historicalfiction #timetravel #Einstein


Coronavirus Karma From Atlantis?

Raka Atlantean Doppelganger

Did you know the scientists of Atlantis performed DNA experiments? They discovered how to combine the genetics of animals with humans. It was a world-wide business for the military Aryan scientists to create Centaurs, Satyrs and Minotaur’s. By blending genetics, the Atlanteans thought they could play god. Today scientists across our world are playing god by creating invisible death through biological weapons. What occurred in Atlantis is happening today. Viruses that found in humans and viruses only found in certain animals coexisted in the bodies of these combined beings. This artificial movement of combining what would never happen was a huge aberration from natural law and opened a doorway for viruses to move from one species into another. We have had lethal viruses appear through the crossover of animal viruses mutating into a form that humans can carry. SARS, MERS and EBOLA all originated in bats. Swine flu originated in pigs. We are as technological as the Atlanteans were when they destroyed their world. There is a spiritual purpose for the Coronavirus. The Atlanteans created Noah’s flood to clear the planet of men’s abominations. Let us learn to balance science with humanity. Let us choose with wisdom, compassion and love, not power and greed.


Einstein’s Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure


Since Raka’s meeting with the council, the focus of the Aryan laboratory had moved to DNA and using it for transformation. General Tora-Fuliar envisioned an army of Draconian soldiers with which he could conquer the world. Frustrated at the lack of results the council leader visited the lab each week for a progress report. DNA experiments required creative scientists, and creativity was not something the militaristic Aryans were noted for. It was evident that the best talent came from Atlantis. They mounted an aggressive recruitment campaign there.

Light healers on Atlantis desire was to serve the higher Light of God with love. This intention provided them with the clarity to heal from a pure state of giving. Loving came forward and lifted the healer and the patient. The healer’s material needs—food, shelter, and clothing—came as a part of their serving. The glamour of substantial gains and recognition offered by the Aryans, however, distracted them from the reward of serving. Increasingly generous offers seduced the Atlantean Light workers away from the healing temples to the Aryan DNA research labs. Even some high priests sold their knowledge and healing secrets to the dark empire.

The DNA experiments on Aryan required a high-quality controlled food source. Scientists used everything from cows to mice. But the trials were not without challenge. The Aryan’s successes in cloning had sparked fierce debates among scientists and the public. The people of Atlantis questioned the morality of cloning plants, animals, and possibly humans. But few knew that cloning was just a cover for a secret project of DNA experiments combining animal and human DNA. On the surface, it was producing novelty animals that had become big business on Aryan. Wealthy families and even countries were buying hybrids like Minotaur and Centaurs.

The clone business on Aryan also played into Raka’s plan for revenge. Once he had become adept at using his new body, he made his way back to the city. He set up an observation outpost in an abandoned structure in the remote industrial area near the DNA research complex. Now that he had a plan, he could afford to be patient. For several weeks he watched the movements of the scientists, military, and guards.

The general routinely showed up alone in his golden anti-gravity vehicle at the end of the workweek, parking away from the building to avoid attention. He appeared to be meeting with Dr. Aimee, the director of the science facility, for progress reports on his new military species.

As days—then weeks—passed, Raka’s patience wore thin. If progress weren’t made soon, even the general would realize that he would not produce an army of warriors like Raka—an army Raka fully intended to take over. Pacing in his ramshackle hideout, with a heightened awareness of everything around him, Raka sensed the time was approaching for him make his move. He felt increasingly impatient, believing he would soon know the moment to strike.

By the time the general returned to the facility, Raka was nearly bursting out of his skin. It took incredible self-control to hold himself back and merely observe. His senses perked up as he saw the general storm out of the facility. The man appeared furious, a sure sign he had received more bad news. The irate general made his way to his flyer and slammed its door. Raka couldn’t believe his eyes; the general had caught his hand in the door. Even from this distance, Raka could hear the general bellow in pain as he jumped out of the vehicle, blood spurting from his self-inflicted wound. Raka immediately smelled the warm, precious blood, urging him into a frenzy. The general’s screams pushed Raka over the edge, and he burst from his hiding place, streaking across the open field toward the wounded, infuriated man.

The general was not aware of Raka’s presence until it was too late. A brutal blow from Raka’s tail rendered his victim unconscious. Raka with his razor-like talons grabbed the general by the collar. With his brute dragon strength, the dragon picked up the general like a rag-doll and flew back to his hiding place. Inside, he threw the general onto a battered table. The stunned man moaned as he struggled back to consciousness. When the general’s vision cleared, his eyes grew wide at the sight of the dragon standing above him, foul saliva dripping from the creature’s lips fell on his head. “Wha…”

Raka grinned and put one of his talons to his lips. “Shhh, General, not that anyone can hear you in here.” He reached out a hand-like claw, offering to help the general sit up. Reflexively, the general grasped Raka’s nail and struggled to a sitting position. Raka slowly placed his other claw on the general’s shoulder. Then, with a ghastly smile, Raka viciously yanked the general’s hand and ripped the general’s entire arm from its socket. As his victim screamed in terror and agony, Raka regarded the arm thoughtfully. He gnawed on it with relish. The general lived long enough to see Raka devour his other arm and start on his legs. He did not live long enough to see Raka transform into a perfect replica of the man he was consuming.

As Raka finished licking the last of the general’s blood from the floor, he heaved a contented sigh. He lay down to rest and recover once the transformation was complete. He closed his eyes, reveling in the thoughts of what he could do now as the head of the Aryan Military Council.


Einstein’s Mind Experiments Changed The World

Albert Einstein was never always famous. When he was a child, his father presented him a compass. The directional device inspired the growing analyst to dream of what is time, what is light? His life was difficult. When he was a juvenile, he struggled when his parents moved to Italy and left him with his relatives. Alone and Jewish in a Catholic school, boys terrorized him and called him names. He refused to memorize material. His tutors in grammar school punished him for not following the rules. Distraught he sought for an educator who would aid him to uncover the answers to his quest. When we failed his entrance exams at the Polyteknic, he found Professor Winteler, who taught Albert mind experiments. Through a system of head, heart and hand he learned how to use his visionary mind. The disappointment of not getting into the Polyteknic turned into a breakthrough for Albert. If you find yourself stuck in your life or broken hearted during this global crisis, I urge you to find a new direction. Albert did and transformed the world. If you would like a free #audiobook of “Einstein’s Compass” friend me on Facebook, send me your email through Messenger and I will send you the codes to download your free audiobook. #Wfh

Einstein’s Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure

Thought Experiment.

Six male students in their mid-teens dressed in wool suits, starched white shirts, and blue-and-yellow neckties sat two by two in a single row, anxiously awaiting the start of class. Albert had enrolled in Aarau High School after his unsuccessful attempt to enter the Polytechnic. He had passed the math and science section of the exam with flying colors. Yet the test showed Albert needed more study in languages, biology, literature, political science, and botany. While somewhat disappointed with the test results, he saw it would only take a year at Aarau before he could get to the Polytechnic, and he was okay with that.

The smell of fresh white chalk stimulated Albert’s mind. He focused on the three Hs the headmaster, Professor Winteler, wrote on the blackboard; the principles of teaching the school followed.

Heart – to explore what students want to learn. To develop their moral qualities, such as helping others.


Head – to understand objects, concepts, and experiences.


Hand – to learn the craft of doing good work and develop their physical skills.


Completing his writing with a flourish, the teacher turned to face his class. His brown eyes twinkled, and there was genuine warmth and enthusiasm in his voice as he said, “I have found that people learn more easily accessing their intuition, their inner powers than they do through their minds.”

In the front row, Albert relaxed. For the first time in his school life, the reject from the Gymnasium in Germany felt connected.

The wise professor put down the chalk and rubbed his hands together. He adjusted his spectacles and said, “Our first exercise will be a thought experiment. It will assist us when we want to consider a hypothesis or theory when the purpose is to think through by steps to its consequences. This practice will increase your personal power of thought and imagination. What’s more,” he said with a smile, “by going inward, you begin to trust yourself.”

A sandy-haired student raised his hand, and the professor acknowledged him. “Yes, Gregory, you have a question?”

“I do, sir,” the boy said as he stood.

The professor smiled. “Good. I encourage questions. What do you have?”

“In this mind experiment, do we have our eyes open or closed?”

“For our first experiment, you will have your eyes closed. Though I am sure sometimes during the day, you find yourself in a daydream where your mind is drifting in space even with your eyes open.” Gregory nodded as the professor continued. “We will use a what-if, dreamy kind of imagination to allow you to create possibilities.”

As Gregory sat down, the professor instructed, “Now I want you to remove your jackets, loosen your ties, and sit up straight with your arms and legs uncrossed. Place your hands on your thighs, palms up.”

The students did so and waited for the next direction.

“Close your eyes and take a slow, deep breath,” Winteler said. “Inhale, then slowly let go of all the air in your lungs.” He paused for a few seconds. “Again, this time breathe in more slowly.” As the students did this, he paused, then said, “Hold the air inside.” He paused again. “Let go of all the air, slowly. Allow your body to relax. Keep your eyes closed and focus on your breath out. If your mind chatters, just acknowledge that, then bring your focus back to your breathing.”

Albert sat with his back straight, though it relaxed him, surrendering his mind. Lost in the experience, the dreamer did not even hear what the teacher said next because he found himself enveloped in a warm glow, and he felt like he was rising above the Earth.

Do Not Worry – Live Your Life


George Washington once said, “Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble.” The Coronavirus narratives in our world shows how the media deals with us with their doomsday scenarios. Excitement has halted flying while stock markets plunge. Is the virus scare real? We are a population of three hundred and fifty million individuals. According to the CDC 1,215 have been diagnosed in the United States, in addition to 36 deaths. The U.S. government and public health partners are implementing aggressive measures to slow and contain transmission of COVID-19 in the United States. Politics in the USA is playing out as the far-left Democrats and media who hate Donald Trump push the tension as hard as they can. Prosecution of our president failed as did all their new tactics. The virus is a perfect storm to stop our president and our way of life. Those most affected by the virus are the elderly, not children, or people who are healthy. Do not borrow trouble from the media. Turn off the television. Stop reading scary posts on social channels. Live your life.

Einstein’s Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure

Plagued with inexplicable dreams, Albert had not slept in days. To compound his malaise, he missed Mileva, who had stayed with her parents. He took in a deep breath, then reluctantly pushed himself out of his warm cocoon. As the covers fell aside, a tattered flyer landed on the floor. “Discover the Secrets of The Mystical Travelers” it proclaimed. An illustration of a dignified-looking man of indeterminate age with a hint of a mischievous smile bore the inscription, “Pater Benjamin, A Great Spiritual Master.”

Albert negotiated the books and the litter-strewn path to the washstand, where he cringed as he poked a hole in the crust of ice that had formed overnight in the pitcher by the washbasin. With a vacant gaze and bloodshot eyes, Albert frowned into the oval gilt mirror above the coarse, soap-scummed porcelain. He patted down his unkempt hair that was standing up at odd angles, and he stroked the wiry growth under his nose.

Why am I having these nightmares? He took in a ragged breath and tried to reason with himself. When I attempt to do thought experiments, I discover myself in another universe with Johann. Am I going insane? I cannot concentrate on my studies. Albert poured some cold water into the basin, splashed it on his face to clear his head, and prepared to shave.